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 THE HORRORS (ummm especially josh third ^^)

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THE HORRORS (ummm especially josh third ^^) - Page 39 Empty
THE HORRORS (ummm especially josh third ^^) - Page 39 Icone-11Ven 14 Déc - 15:20
voui mais moi the horrors ca faisait des mois que j'attendais la date de decembre je ne les avais jamais vu de ttes ma vie, alors j'ai du retard a rattraper ^^

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Et une krevette créa un forum . . . comme quoi, tout est possible !!

Et une krevette créa un forum . . . comme quoi, tout est possible !!

Nombre de messages : 56871
Age : 38
Localisation : Dans un * CeMeTeRy (DrIvE) * et MCR me chante Helena !
Date d'inscription : 23/04/2006

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THE HORRORS (ummm especially josh third ^^) - Page 39 Icone-11Ven 14 Déc - 15:21
oui mais tu viens de les voirs quand même Rolling Eyes

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THE HORRORS (ummm especially josh third ^^) - Page 39 Icone-11Ven 14 Déc - 15:21
justement, je suis encore sous le choc hehehe!!!

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Et une krevette créa un forum . . . comme quoi, tout est possible !!

Et une krevette créa un forum . . . comme quoi, tout est possible !!

Nombre de messages : 56871
Age : 38
Localisation : Dans un * CeMeTeRy (DrIvE) * et MCR me chante Helena !
Date d'inscription : 23/04/2006

THE HORRORS (ummm especially josh third ^^) - Page 39 Empty
THE HORRORS (ummm especially josh third ^^) - Page 39 Icone-11Ven 14 Déc - 15:23
THE HORRORS (ummm especially josh third ^^) - Page 39 784260

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THE HORRORS (ummm especially josh third ^^) - Page 39 Icone-11Mer 19 Déc - 22:40
une tite interview de tom et josh ici

(et en allant dans photos, vous en trouverez de the horrors mais aussi de mcr ^^ c'est une photographe que j'avais rencontré a londres a l'o2 et que j'ai revu a the horrors ^^)

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Nombre de messages : 5716
Age : 42
Date d'inscription : 22/06/2007

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THE HORRORS (ummm especially josh third ^^) - Page 39 Icone-11Jeu 20 Déc - 16:17

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THE HORRORS (ummm especially josh third ^^) - Page 39 Icone-11Dim 23 Déc - 15:53
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THE HORRORS (ummm especially josh third ^^) - Page 39 Icone-11Dim 23 Déc - 16:02
ils ont ete invités dans la celebre emission dejantée the mighty boosh, c'est a hurler de rire mais total dejanté pour ceux qui veulent voir c'est ici

THE HORRORS (ummm especially josh third ^^) - Page 39 Boosh7ng1
THE HORRORS (ummm especially josh third ^^) - Page 39 Boosh7ng1.fe1581444f

THE HORRORS (ummm especially josh third ^^) - Page 39 Boosh10xg8

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THE HORRORS (ummm especially josh third ^^) - Page 39 Icone-11Lun 31 Déc - 13:27
une interview super interessante

Before their show on that Monday evening, these two lovely gentlemen sat down and chatted with me for the better part of an hour. We talked about everything from the amazing talents of “the worm” to the band’s response to some of their toughest critics. So, read on to discover what the excitement is all about, and make sure to pick up a copy of the Horror’s debut release, Strange House. Happy listening.
Hypezine: Since you’ve been in Southern California has anyone yet tried the infamous Mexican tamales?
Tomethy Furse: We did the first time we came here, (to Third) do you remember?
Joshua Third: I had Mexican last night, actually.
Furse: I had Mexican today.
Third: Yeah, I ordered something that they said tasted like Christmas. And they gave me something that was fried beans and chicken wrapped in barely fried soft potato, that tasted a bit off, covered in red sauce and it didn’t taste anything like Christmas.
Furse: Maybe it tastes like a Mexican Christmas. I ate really bad enchiladas today. I’ve been so disappointed with enchiladas in this country.
Hypezine: Is there any reading material you guys have brought with you on the tour, anything your quite fond of at the moment?
Furse: I’ve got a book about the history of ambient music with me, which I have yet to read.
Third: I’m currently reading The Master and Margarita. It’s by some Russian writer [Mikhail Bulgakov]. It’s supposedly one of the best novels written ever. It was written during the Cold War and he couldn’t publish it because it kind of implies that God might exist. It’s about four brothers. The Devil visits them and offers them various things, and it’s about how they get round it and what they make of it all. But [the Devil] just appears as a bloke so, it’s not actually that religious; it just discusses various themes. But yeah, it’s really, really good.

Hypezine: I have read that you like disturbing art because it is more evocative than other pieces.
Furse: I like disturbing images, but I like disturbing images in life. Like seeing an empty pram on the pavement. It’s like, where the fuck is the baby? Do you know what I mean? And chunks of hair on the floor that look like they’ve been ripped out of someone’s scalp. It’s like, why is that there?
Third: And the freaks.
Furse: Oh freaks. Oh definitely. We’re big fans of freaks after watching Tod Browning’s Freaks. Have you seen that?
Hypezine: No.
Furse: It’s a 1930’s film and the entire cast is just the cream of the world’s freaks of the time: circus freaks, midgets and half people…
Third: And the worm.
Furse: The worm. Yes, the worm had no arms and no legs and had like five kids.
Third: He was a carpenter, and could roll and smoke his own cigarettes.
Furse: He was just a torso and a head and, there’s actually an extra on the DVD where you can see him rolling and lighting his own cigarettes just using his mouth. It’s really, really impressive.
Hypezine :Yeah, it sounds like it. Do you feel that any of these visual images come out in your music?
Furse: I’m sure they do. I like the idea of visual music anyway, and we did try and write a track that sounded like a scary circus. I don’t know what happened to it.
Hypezine: Are there any obscure interests or things that you do before you write a track that maybe aren’t visible in the finished product?
Furse: Umm, I don’t know, (to Third) are there?
Third: What like pre-writing song rituals?
Furse: We found that we have to write songs together. If one person’s there it doesn’t work. The machine breaks down.
Third: A delicate machine it is.
Furse: It’s finely tuned.
Third: We haven’t really experimented with putting ourselves in altered states before we write songs.
Furse: We tried going to the country once, like in the middle of nowhere, and it was just…
Third: It was horrible!
Furse: It was so boring. So, it was actually really depressing.
Third: Well, we all live in London and it’s a really great city and its really full of life, so you’re constantly inspired. So, I guess just living is quite enough for us.
Hypezine: Your sound is very reminiscent of the 1960’s garage rock bands, garage punk bands. Do you have any influences in particular from that time?
Furse: I think it’s just as much as anyone. Actually, when we first started out, the idea of the band was just to be a garage covers band, because we really like that music. Then when we started writing our own songs it was quite obvious that we didn’t just sound like that. And we started to pursue that and realize how much more exciting it was going to be. I have a real passion for the music and that era, and I just think its really amazing, but I don’t think it has any more precedent over anything else, to be honest.
Third: Any groups in particular, Tom?
Furse: Any groups in particular?
Third: What’s your favorite garage band?
Furse: My favorite garage band? Probably Music Machine. They’re probably the best.
Third: The Music Machine were really good because they were consistent. They had like an album’s worth of good material.
Furse: They had a couple of albums worth.
Third: A couple of albums?
Furse: Yeah.
Third: A couple of albums worth of good material, instead of half a 7-inch worth of good material. And, what is the main singer’s name?
Furse: Sean Bonniwell.
Third: Yeah, he was a really good songwriter. He actually wrote really good songs. A lot of garage, I find can have a very inspiring bit, and then a not very inspiring bit sandwiched together.
Furse: The Seeds are a really good example. They’re an amazing band but I think Sky Saxon only wrote one song. There’s a whole album where it’s like, “Pushin’ Too Hard” backwards, “Pushin’ Too Hard” speeded up, “Pushin’ Too Hard” slowed down. So it’s the same song just played in different ways. But anyway, Sean Bonniwell was amazing. Consistency is really hard to find in that kind of music (garage) because they were all smoking too much pot and taking too much acid.
Third: [The Music Machine] did a song called “Talk Talk” which is featured on Nuggets.
Furse: Yeah, it’s really good.
Hypezine: You guys are familiar with Nuggets? (Nuggets was the first garage band compilation and was put out by Lenny K, Patti Smith’s guitarist. It contains tracks from the Electric Prunes, The Standells, Strangelove, The Knickerbockers, and the Vagrants.)
Furse: Nuggets was the first [garage compilation]. I actually think it’s rubbish. It’s one of the worst garage compilations ever. It was the first one, but it was really bad. It’s all the wrong sides of the records. When you actually buy the records, the other side is so much better. But, it’s a good introduction. Pebbles is much better. Pebbles is much punkier. Go with Pebbles or Back From the Grave (also garage compilations) is one I like.
Hypezine: Good to know. And you also seem to have obvious peripheral connections with the Goth era. Are there any bands in particular from this time that have been influential?
Furse: I’ve only actually recently started listening to Bauhaus, who are amazing. But I’d never actually really heard them before. The drummer should be here tonight actually. The drummer comes to our shows in LA.
Third: I started listening to Bauhaus after we’d worked with Chris Cunningham [See Below], because he came up to me and he was like, ‘you must be a huge Daniel Ash fan,’ and I was like ‘Uhh, who’s Daniel Ash?’ [He said,] ‘Oh, the guitarist of Bauhaus,’ [And I said,] ‘I’ve never listened to them, aren’t they a Goth band?’ Because you tend to shy away from the stuff that’s labeled Goth. Everyone does. But they are amazing.
Siouxsie and the Banshees, I’ve listened to for ages, and Birthday Party since I was like 15. (To Tom) Are there any other good Goth bands, bands labeled Goth?
Furse: Sisters of Mercy.
Third: Sisters of Mercy, right.
Furse: Their first couple of EPs are really good. I haven’t actually heard anything past that.
Third: Goth’s one of them funny genres because they label a lot of post punk bands as Goth in retrospect, but they don’t sound “prothic.”
Furse: Yeah, what makes a Gothic band? (To Josh) Talking about flowers?
Third: (Laughing) Talking about flowers.
Furse: Yeah, Goths really like flowers.
Third: (To Tom) Are the Cradle of Filth Goth?
Furse: They’re just a bunch of weirdoes.
Hypezine: You cover Screaming Lord Such’s “Jack the Ripper.” Is he an influence on your sound?
Furse: He as an artist isn’t because he didn’t actually do anything, musically. He got everyone else to do everything for him. But, Joe Meek who produced that song and pretty much all of Screaming Lord Such’s material is a big influence on what we do.
Third: Perhaps the biggest.
Furse: Yeah, One of the biggest influences on The Horror’s sound is Joe Meek.
Third: Yeah, Joe Meek was a pop producer but always wanted to push sounds and make everything sound as mad as possible and really muck about with song structures; and piss about, trying to make really non linear pop songs, which I guess is what we’ve always tried to do. So yeah, Joe Meek is a massive influence. Screaming Lord Such is not so much a big influence.
Furse: [“Jack the Ripper”] was actually the first song we learnt how to play.
Third: And we learned to play it wrong!
Furse: Yeah we played it wrong. We literally played it one note less than everyone else.
Third: We kept it that way because we preferred it.
Hypezine: It sounds good this way. I haven’t heard the original but…
Furse: Oh, it’s not that big a difference, but its still wrong.
Third: No, No, the original though, the Screaming Lord Such version is miles different.
Furse: Yeah, then a few garage bands covered it. One was an 80’s Canadian garage bands called The Gruesomes. We actually covered their version. I had heard the Lord Such version, but I wasn’t aware of Joe Meek and then I found out more, and it started to be a very attractive cover.

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THE HORRORS (ummm especially josh third ^^) - Page 39 Icone-11Lun 31 Déc - 13:28
Hypezine: Culturally, have you found anything different between the English music scene and the American music scene?
Furse: I don’t actually know anything about any kind of music scene. I don’t know anything about an English music scene because I don’t really think there is one. There are loads of bands…
Third: There is [a scene] at the moment: New rave.
Furse: New rave, yeah that’s a scene that no one wants to be apart of.
Third: Were you a post-punk band four years ago? Well, now you’re a new-rave band.
Furse: There are definitely a few bands in England that I really like. I don’t actually know anything about any kind of scene over here [in the US].
Third: Apparently there’s a massive garage scene [in the US].
Furse: Yeah, there’s always been a massive garage scene.
Third: No, but like new garage bands.
Furse: Oh, really?
Third: I don’t know what they sound like.
Furse: Yeah, I don’t know what the difference is. Maybe there’s actually a scene over here.
Hypezine: Any of those new English bands in particular you could mention?
Furse: There are a few great new British bands. One called Xerox Teens, who are amazing. These New Puritans who are just about to release an album. They’re really great.
Third: The Guillotines.
Furse: The Guillotines, yeah we toured with them.
Third: [They] are probably the best grind ever.
Furse: It’s actually like watching someone having sex really well.
Third: That’s the best way to describe it.
Furse: There are a couple of new bands, Ulterior who are just, like noise. [They have] really, banging dance beats.
Third: Yeah, they’re really into techno.
Furse: And Project: Komakino is really great as well. He’s just a 17-year-old kid and [his music] sounds like electronic Joy Division. It’s really, really good. There are a few [bands] actually, saying that.
Third: Canada’s got tons of great bands.
Furse: Yeah.
Third: Dandi Wind are amazing.
Furse: There seems to be a new wave of interesting bands that are doing something different, doing something interesting, after what had maybe been a slightly stale guitar indie pop [scene]. Kind of a bit boring…
Third: There doesn’t really seem to be any particular scene. It’s just lots of bands all doing something on their own that’s new and exciting.
Furse: Which is really cool and which is exactly what should be going on. It’s the only way to keep it all interesting.
Hypezine: Did you approach Chris Cunningham [acclaimed music video director and video artist] for the “Sheena is a Parasite” video or did he approach you?
Furse: No, no, he approached us, which was a big surprise.
Third: (To Tom) Can you imagine going round to his door, ‘Hello, uhh we’re a band can you…
Furse: … direct this video for us please?
Third: No, no, he heard [“Sheena is a Parasite”] on the Internet and he sat in his room and listened to it for two days straight and was really inspired to start making music videos again. So, he phoned us up and asked if we could do it. We’d already released the single and it had sold out by then, so we just did it because we thought it’d be a nice video, a bit of art.
Furse: Then it got banned.
Third: Yeah.
Hypezine: Because of the strobe lights, right?
Furse & Third: Yeah.
Furse: It was really annoying, because the idea of actually making a video in the first place was in question. There were a thousand copies of the single and they’d all been sold already. And, you use a video to promote [a single]. But it was just a great opportunity so we did it, just because it would be great for people to see, and then it got banned. But luckily, MTV’s kind of obsolete these days, because everyone just watched it on YouTube [.com].
Third: I think it kind of showed the way we were going to go, because they approached Chris [Cunningham] and said, ‘if you turn the strobes down, we’ll play it.’ And he just told them to fuck off. Like us, he just doesn’t compromise, and so we never end up on telly (laughs).
Furse: Yeah, he didn’t want to compromise what he was doing which was strange because it was very similar to what we wanted to do. I think Chris [Cunningham] works in a very similar way to us.
Hypezine: With him hearing it over the Internet and the video being up on and everything, has the Internet been an integral part of your promotion and success?
Furse: Yeah, I love the fact that you can actually, its amazing that actually if you think about it. You can buy a computer and you can record your songs and have them on the Internet completely independently. Literally, and then people can listen to you. You do not need anyone else initially to do that. I think that is really amazing and I think it’s a really great opportunity for other people I mean for us, we just…
Third: We never ever really used the Internet like people use Myspace [.com] and try and add friends and that. All we did was just put a page up and that said when we were going to play.
Furse: I think its great; if you want to hear a band, you can actually just go and listen to them. But unfortunately, it kind of kills the curiosity factor.
Third: That’s why I try and buy records I don’t already know about from record stores. Ones that just look good.
Furse: It’s a bit hit and miss but…
Third: Yeah, but when you get one that’s really good, it’s so great; it’s something special. Yeah, (To Tom) maybe the Internet is making less things special.
Furse: Yeah, that’s completely true actually.
Hypezine: As with many bands that have gained attention so quickly, some critics have accused you of being a band of the moment. What would you say to them?
Furse: Well, I just don’t really agree with that at all because the music that we’re making isn’t off the moment at all, its completely un-of the moment. It’s completely different to what is going on. I think that for some bands that is actually true; it’s like it’s very now and kind of seems very appropriate for what’s going on now. But, we are very set on just doing our own thing, and I think bands that do that tend to continue to make music. We definitely plan to keep making music as well. [We] don’t plan on stopping anytime soon.
Third: Yeah, we’re kind of just outside of what everybody else is doing. We’d be a like a new-rave band now if we were like ‘band of the moment.’ Silly people. I think it’s just a knee-jerk reaction. Journalists have this big book of ways to answer questions or situations and they thumbed that up and just threw it at us. Furse: I think it’s a very easy thing to say. And, over here, there seems to be a big thing as well: some journalists really like the NME and some people really hate it. I really hate the idea of someone dismissing a band straight off without actually listening to them, and actually considering what they might be about, and what kind of music they’re making; where they’re just kind of instantly dismissive. Because, you can’t help what people say about you, you can’t help your press. We’re not going to say no if someone says ‘do you want the cover of this magazine?’ we’re not going say, ‘no we don’t want it.’
Hypezine: And what about the critics that say you are more style than substance. What would you say to them?
Furse: Fuck off (laughs). I find that’s completely ridiculous, that comment. Especially when actually the reality of it is so different. Music is definitely the primary thing and the most important thing in our lives.
Third: You can ask Bridget here [a documentary filmmaker currently touring with The Horrors], who’s been trying to film us do interesting things while we’re on tour, how long we’ve spent with drum machines or keyboards just sitting there with headphones in making music as opposed to being wild and partying and doing our hair and all this malarkey.
Furse: Pretty much all our waking moments are spent making music and the way we dress is very much lower down on the priorities. The music that we listen to has influences [on the look]. We have a strong band identity, but I don’t think it at all is more important than the music we’re making.
Hypezine: You seemingly have a very pure, punk, spirit/ attitude. Considering that movement has been an influence on you when were you first exposed to it?
Furse: I know exactly when I was first exposed to it. I bought a compilation called The CBGB Birth of American Punk. I think I was just getting into The Ramones and I got that. It was actually a really good documentation of punk from some of its earliest forms. It went all through garage punk and then punk and sort of electronic punk, and then onto like what was going on then in like 2003 or 2002. But, the idea in my head was that it was all… have you ever heard ‘Too much dream last night” by the Electric Prunes?
Hypezine: No.
Furse: It’s like a big 60’s garage hit but I thought it was people that look like Richard Hell playing this kind of music, so I always had this idea that punk is more of a feeling than a particular sound. It’s definitely more of an attitude, a kind of way of approaching things, than an actual… than the Sex Pistols.
Hypezine: I know you said your basically making music all the time, but are there any other serious interests you guys have? Joshua, I know you’ve got a physics degree and make your own effects pedals.
Third: Yes, electronics. That’s out of necessity though, really. That’s wanting to make sounds that you can’t make otherwise, so you have to build something to make the sound. I like fishing. I’m quite into fishing, that’s quite fun.
Furse: I don’t think I do [have any other serious interests]. I don’t think I actually do have much else going.
Third: (To Tom) You quite like dancing.
Furse: Yeah, I like to dance.
Third: Food’s a big one.
Furse: We all like food. [We] like drinking, like food… Buying records.
Third: But that’s lame. That doesn’t count at all. I also quite like traveling (laughs).
Hypezine: That’s good.
Furse: Yeah, that’s lucky isn’t it?
Third: Actually no, I never really liked traveling at all, but I’ve soon learned to love it.

Hypezine: Is there any specific significance to the album title?
Furse: It seemed appropriate. There’s a big thing amongst our fans to figure out the secret meaning behind our album title. And apparently, there’s a hidden code in our albums, which is a bunch of rubbish.
Third: No it’s not.
Furse: No it’s not actually. If you follow the clues you’ll see.
Third: Yeah, there’s not really a story behind it, like we went somewhere and it was really strange. It just seemed like a fitting title.
Furse: It’s actually named after a band. There’s a ‘60’s British psychedelic group called The Attack and [“Strange House”] one of their un-released songs. It’s probably one of their best ones.
Hypezine: So what’s next for The Horrors?
Furse: We’re going to record the next album. We’re writing for it now. [We are] very eager to get back in the studio. We shine when we’re in the studio.
Third: Yeah.
Furse: It’s a great opportunity to just push what you can do again and see what you can do.
Third: We’re going to come back with an absolutely mad German industrial-influenced record, I think. That’s the way it’s going. It’ll be fun.
Thanks to The Horrors, and a special thanks to Tomethy Furse, Joshua Third, and Tell All Your Friends PR.
Please visit The Horrors

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Et une krevette créa un forum . . . comme quoi, tout est possible !!

Et une krevette créa un forum . . . comme quoi, tout est possible !!

Nombre de messages : 56871
Age : 38
Localisation : Dans un * CeMeTeRy (DrIvE) * et MCR me chante Helena !
Date d'inscription : 23/04/2006

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THE HORRORS (ummm especially josh third ^^) - Page 39 Icone-11Lun 31 Déc - 14:12
c'est une tentative de meutre c'est ça ???? affraid

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THE HORRORS (ummm especially josh third ^^) - Page 39 Icone-11Mar 1 Jan - 19:01
elle est super interessante hehehe, bosses ton anglais darling hihihi!!^^

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Et une krevette créa un forum . . . comme quoi, tout est possible !!

Et une krevette créa un forum . . . comme quoi, tout est possible !!

Nombre de messages : 56871
Age : 38
Localisation : Dans un * CeMeTeRy (DrIvE) * et MCR me chante Helena !
Date d'inscription : 23/04/2006

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THE HORRORS (ummm especially josh third ^^) - Page 39 Icone-11Mer 2 Jan - 15:08
lol! j'arrive à m'en sortir quand faut lire *et avec un traducteur au cas ou*

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THE HORRORS (ummm especially josh third ^^) - Page 39 Icone-11Lun 7 Jan - 23:35
je ne sais pas ce que j'ai fait, je crois que j'ai prepare ce post mais ferme la fenetre avant d'avoir envoyé, je disais dc...nlles fotos, attention les yeux

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THE HORRORS (ummm especially josh third ^^) - Page 39 Thehorrorslargemsg11996bs3

j'adore celle la

THE HORRORS (ummm especially josh third ^^) - Page 39 Thehorrorslargemsg11996ye2

et celle ci aussi mais est ce bien necessaire de le preciser??? ^____^

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THE HORRORS (ummm especially josh third ^^) - Page 39 06031816

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Et une krevette créa un forum . . . comme quoi, tout est possible !!

Et une krevette créa un forum . . . comme quoi, tout est possible !!

Nombre de messages : 56871
Age : 38
Localisation : Dans un * CeMeTeRy (DrIvE) * et MCR me chante Helena !
Date d'inscription : 23/04/2006

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THE HORRORS (ummm especially josh third ^^) - Page 39 Icone-11Mar 8 Jan - 16:12
THE HORRORS (ummm especially josh third ^^) - Page 39 05010809 han elles sont magnifiques THE HORRORS (ummm especially josh third ^^) - Page 39 05010809
*vive le noir&blanc toujours*

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THE HORRORS (ummm especially josh third ^^) - Page 39 Icone-11Mar 8 Jan - 16:32
grave ^_____^

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Et une krevette créa un forum . . . comme quoi, tout est possible !!

Et une krevette créa un forum . . . comme quoi, tout est possible !!

Nombre de messages : 56871
Age : 38
Localisation : Dans un * CeMeTeRy (DrIvE) * et MCR me chante Helena !
Date d'inscription : 23/04/2006

THE HORRORS (ummm especially josh third ^^) - Page 39 Empty
THE HORRORS (ummm especially josh third ^^) - Page 39 Icone-11Mar 8 Jan - 16:33
What a Face What a Face What a Face What a Face

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Nombre de messages : 12265
Age : 34
Localisation : bordeaux
Date d'inscription : 20/01/2007

THE HORRORS (ummm especially josh third ^^) - Page 39 Empty
THE HORRORS (ummm especially josh third ^^) - Page 39 Icone-11Mar 8 Jan - 18:05
les photos sont magnifique THE HORRORS (ummm especially josh third ^^) - Page 39 05010809THE HORRORS (ummm especially josh third ^^) - Page 39 05010809
ma pref est la 1st

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[ Modo... à ne pas confondre avec Mc Do!! ]

[ Modo... à ne pas confondre avec Mc Do!! ]

Nombre de messages : 9609
Age : 48
Localisation : la bas, 3eme a gauche, puis tourner a droite!!
Date d'inscription : 01/05/2006

THE HORRORS (ummm especially josh third ^^) - Page 39 Empty
THE HORRORS (ummm especially josh third ^^) - Page 39 Icone-11Mar 8 Jan - 19:34
ça faisait longtemps que je n'avais plus vu leurs petite bouilles THE HORRORS (ummm especially josh third ^^) - Page 39 05010809

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THE HORRORS (ummm especially josh third ^^) - Page 39 Empty
THE HORRORS (ummm especially josh third ^^) - Page 39 Icone-11Mer 9 Jan - 15:30
ca t'a manqué hein avoue ^^

bulletin posté via leur myspace ce midi...

"9 Jan 2008 4:26
Body: "Having brought in the New Year with panache (Panache is a French word for which there is no English equivalent, but carries the connotation of a flamboyant manner and reckless courage, so there.) and gusto, us Horrors are working hard on ways to twist and turn our sound around to even further dizzying heights, Josh has been locked in his cupboard for three days now and it doesn't look like he's coming out anytime soon.

"This might be privileged information, but just before the New Year we spent a week in the studio with Chris Cunningham and cut a couple of new tracks, they sound fantastic and we're very much looking forward to the reactions from both our fans and others. Hats off to Chris.

"The new album is on its way, for those of you who were lucky enough to catch us live before the New Year, you have had a small taster of things to come, and things are looking up better than ever.

............Horrors out."

(tjrs aussi félés les chéris... j'adore !!!
j'adore cette phrase "catch us live" c'etait la phrase de leur campagne de pub pour la sortie de "strange house" )

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Et une krevette créa un forum . . . comme quoi, tout est possible !!

Et une krevette créa un forum . . . comme quoi, tout est possible !!

Nombre de messages : 56871
Age : 38
Localisation : Dans un * CeMeTeRy (DrIvE) * et MCR me chante Helena !
Date d'inscription : 23/04/2006

THE HORRORS (ummm especially josh third ^^) - Page 39 Empty
THE HORRORS (ummm especially josh third ^^) - Page 39 Icone-11Mer 9 Jan - 15:38
moi j'adore la longue explication pour le mot "panache" THE HORRORS (ummm especially josh third ^^) - Page 39 Mdrmdrmd

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THE HORRORS (ummm especially josh third ^^) - Page 39 Empty
THE HORRORS (ummm especially josh third ^^) - Page 39 Icone-11Mer 9 Jan - 15:46
oui j'etais morte de rire... en plus evidement etant francaise j'ai compris direct et sur le coup je me suis dit "ben oui, pourquoi cette explication..panache quoi ^^"

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Et une krevette créa un forum . . . comme quoi, tout est possible !!

Et une krevette créa un forum . . . comme quoi, tout est possible !!

Nombre de messages : 56871
Age : 38
Localisation : Dans un * CeMeTeRy (DrIvE) * et MCR me chante Helena !
Date d'inscription : 23/04/2006

THE HORRORS (ummm especially josh third ^^) - Page 39 Empty
THE HORRORS (ummm especially josh third ^^) - Page 39 Icone-11Mer 9 Jan - 15:54
ben ouimoi aussi... pi' surtout ça prend des proportions !! THE HORRORS (ummm especially josh third ^^) - Page 39 342445
on dirait presque que c'est le sujt du bulletin ^^

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THE HORRORS (ummm especially josh third ^^) - Page 39 Empty
THE HORRORS (ummm especially josh third ^^) - Page 39 Icone-11Mer 9 Jan - 15:57
ha ha ha

développez avec une introduction, et une conclusion...le tout en moins de 1200 mots "

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Et une krevette créa un forum . . . comme quoi, tout est possible !!

Et une krevette créa un forum . . . comme quoi, tout est possible !!

Nombre de messages : 56871
Age : 38
Localisation : Dans un * CeMeTeRy (DrIvE) * et MCR me chante Helena !
Date d'inscription : 23/04/2006

THE HORRORS (ummm especially josh third ^^) - Page 39 Empty
THE HORRORS (ummm especially josh third ^^) - Page 39 Icone-11Mer 9 Jan - 16:02

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THE HORRORS (ummm especially josh third ^^) - Page 39 Empty
THE HORRORS (ummm especially josh third ^^) - Page 39 Icone-11

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THE HORRORS (ummm especially josh third ^^)

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